Monday, January 9, 2012

At First Bite!

This is a cool new book I just read. Its name is At First Bite by Ruth Ames. It is a sequel to This Totally Bites! also by Ruth Ames. Does it sound familiar? That's because I did a post about that book at an older time. Anyway this book is about a girl named Ashlee who found out she was a vampire ( She found out when she got an invitation saying she needed to come to a ceremony to become a full-fledged vampire) She moved from New York to L.A. because her mom was going to be on a show. As Ashlee is on her quest to be the most popular girl at school as she was before and at the same time try to figure out the case of the Dark Ones ( a type a vamp.) she discovers many surprises and secrets. Who is the Dark One. Is it right in front of her eyes everyday she goes to school or is it someone completely different. To see more and to read some of the story go to

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